
In this portion of our website, I will present various articles that I hope readers will find interesting and educational. Hopefully a new one each (calendar) month. Most, if not all articles will not be my own creation, so I will indicate my source of information.


These are the three Grand Principles of Freemasonry, the first of which has been described as ’the foundation and copestone, the cement and glory of this eminent fraternity’. Relief is the practical extension of brotherly love to those in need, within and without the Craft. Truth can be regarded not only as the antithesis of falsehood, the correction of calumnies against brethren or against the fraternity as a whole. The light of truth can be made to reveal and replace ignorance and error and thus further enable us to serve our fellow-creatures.

I thank our Webmaster for allowing me to continue in contributing to the Masonic Education portion of the website.

From ‘A Reference Book For Freemasons’ – compiled by Frederick Smyth and published in 1998.

R.W. Bro. Robert South @

